

This website was created by hand with Visual Studio Code. It is written in HTML, Markdown, Nunjucks, CSS, and JavaScript. The mark-up is written to be compliant with web standards. The layout uses CSS (Scss) Grid for a custom layout and PostCSS to transform CSS with JavaScript.

Eleventy is used for static page generation. Git is used for version control. Github is used to store the repository. The static website is hosted by Amazon S3 Bucket. It is then set up with Route 53 as domain "niyaoquzhongshume". Finally, a CloudFront CDN is launched and the entire connection is protected with an SSL certificate and AWS Certificate Manager.

The serif typeface is Noto Serif. Commissioned by Google, the font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License. Otherwise it is EB Garamond, a free and open source implementation of Claude Garamond's typeface.

The illustration on the home page (minimum screen width required: 430px) is a drawing by Alberto Giacometti (Swiss, 1901–1966) : Œil et arbre (Eye and tree) , from bk Pomme Endormie by Lena Leclercq, 1961.

The license is CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, unless otherwise suggested, which means you are free to copy and redistribute the material from this site in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit without remixing, transforming, and using for commercial purposes.

Here you can learn more about me.

You are welcome to ask a question or buy me a coffee☕.